Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Paging for SPList in Sharepoint ?

Many times we want to display data present in SPList into datagrid. However we don't show all record at any time, instead we display limited records in a grid. Here is the code to paginate through SPlist.

private SPListItemCollection getItemCollection(SPList objList, int pageSize, int pageIndex, string strSortFieldName, string strdatatype, bool blAscendingTrueFalse, string strViewFilds, string strQuery)
SPQuery spQry = null;

if (pageIndex < 2)
spQry = new SPQuery();
spQry.RowLimit = (uint)pageSize;
spQry.ViewFields = strViewFilds;

spQry.Query = strQuery + "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\"" + strSortFieldName + "\" Ascending=\"" + blAscendingTrueFalse + "\" /></OrderBy>";

spQry = new SPQuery();
spQry.RowLimit = (uint)((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize);

spQry.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='Id'/><FieldRef Name='" + strSortFieldName + "'/>";

spQry.Query = strQuery + "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\"" + strSortFieldName + "\" Ascending=\"" + blAscendingTrueFalse + "\" /></OrderBy>";

SPListItemCollection objItemCollection = objList.GetItems(spQry);

spQry = new SPQuery();
spQry.RowLimit = (uint)pageSize;
spQry.ViewFields = strViewFilds;

spQry.Query = strQuery + "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\"" + strSortFieldName + "\" Ascending=\"" + blAscendingTrueFalse + "\" /></OrderBy>"; ;

SPListItemCollectionPosition objSPListColPos = null;

if (strdatatype.ToUpper() == "DATETIME")
objSPListColPos = new SPListItemCollectionPosition("Paged=TRUE"
+ "&p_" + strSortFieldName + "=" + SPEncode.UrlEncode(System.DateTime.Parse(objItemCollection[objItemCollection.Count - 1][strSortFieldName].ToString()).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss"))
+ "&p_ID=" + objItemCollection[objItemCollection.Count - 1]["ID"].ToString());
objSPListColPos = new SPListItemCollectionPosition("Paged=TRUE"
+ "&p_" + strSortFieldName + "=" + objItemCollection[objItemCollection.Count - 1][strSortFieldName].ToString()
+ "&p_ID=" + objItemCollection[objItemCollection.Count - 1]["ID"].ToString());

spQry.ListItemCollectionPosition = objSPListColPos;

return objList.GetItems(spQry);

objList = SPlist Object.
pageSize = datagrid pagesize.
pageIndex = PageIndex.
strSortFieldName = Name of Field on which data is sorted.
strdatatype = DataType of sort field (ie strSortFieldName).
blAscendingTrueFalse = Sort type ie. Ascending or descending.
strViewFilds = string containing the view fields.
strQuery = String containing query to fetch results.


KimLord said...

I don't see where you are setting blAscendingTrueFalse for the sort.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the post..This one really works..Hats off to the one behind the code...

Unknown said...

I am still not able to get the paging. I have set pagesize=5 and its always so that much records without pagination.

Please update me on it .thanks

Hernan said...
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Hernan said...
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EaglesEye said...

How do you get the number of pages ?

Avinash Maheshwari said...

Nice article. This post is nice to understand paging concept. However it does not handle folder basis query on sharepoint list..

I have developed the code which handle Pagination with sorting, folder basis query and row limit.
Please visit here also to view my implementation : SharePoint List Pagination using SPListItemCollectionPosition